Gulam Abbas Hussain                 Headteacher
Hanila Ali Syed Deputy               Headteacher
Last reviewed on:                         September 2020
Next review due by:                     September 2023

Read Academy aims to provide ‘an outstanding educational experience’; the highest quality, all-round
learning opportunities for its pupils.

● The school exists to provide education for children

● Read Academy is an Independent All-through School which charges fees on a termly basis for the
education it provides, although pupils attending All Year Round Nursery are charged on a monthly basis.

● As an Independent School, Read Academy determines its own admission arrangements

● Read Academy accepts children between the ages of 3 and 16.

● Read Academy is an inclusive school that welcomes children from diverse backgrounds and abilities
whom it can reasonably support

● Entry is subject to a preliminary assessment visit for the child at the appropriate age level as well as a
space being available for them in their year group

● Children are encouraged to progress through the school at the best of their ability; however, progress is
not automatic to the next year. Reviews of the children’s progress will be monitored carefully, and any
concerns about this progress will be raised with parents, when an alternative educational experience may
be suggested

● It is expected that children at Read Academy will conduct themselves with positive application. Should
their behavior be considered to be impacting negatively on their own progress, or that of other pupils,
then the school will reserve the right to recommend an alternative education

● All applications will be treated on merit and in a sensitive manner

The Read Community

There is a strong and vibrant whole-school community at Read Academy encompassing pupils,
parents and staff. This partnership is based on mutual honesty and respect and permeates
throughout the entire pupil body, enhancing the educational experience for all the pupils.

Admissions Procedure

● Following a request, a copy of the school’s prospectus is sent out.

● Prospective parents are then invited to attend one of our Open Days held during the year and/or have
an individual visit and tour of the school followed by a meeting with the Headteacher/Deputy Head.

● Parents wishing to register their child for future entry complete and sign a Registration Form and return
it to the school with the appropriate Registration Fee

● The child’s name is placed on the school’s waiting list for the term/year-of-entry required

● The Registration Form/Fee is officially acknowledged by the school and a copy of the Condition of
Contract is given to parents

● An assessment/familiarization visit for the child is arranged prior to entry, and if they currently attend a
school, a copy of their most recent school report should be passed on to the school. Parents should inform
the school of any known or suspected specific learning, behavioral or physical difficulties or differences
that have been identified previously, together with any assessment reports, so that appropriate
adjustment can be made. (Please note: assessment procedures differ for the Early Years and Primary and
Secondary children.)

● During the familiarization visit staff will assess the child and inform the Headteacher/Deputy Head if
they feel the child would benefit from a place at Read Academy. If there are concerns, these would be
passed to the Headteacher or Deputy Head. This may result in the suggestion that the child makes another
visit, or visits, being arranged at the same level, or at a different level, before a decision is made about
offering a place

● On completion of a successful assessment visit(s), a letter offering a place and requesting the
Confirmation Fee.

● Once the Confirmation Fee has been received, the child’s place is confirmed and held for the term
requested. An Admissions Pack is sent, detailing everything from uniforms to daily routines, as well as
forms for completion. These include medical information and emergency treatment and photographic

Read Academy reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place if information becomes available that
contravenes the criteria for admission.

At the point of application, and thereafter, prospective parents must fully disclose any learning support
assessment or identified need, medical condition or disability, which could require specialist treatment,
support or equipment, and any behavioural or disciplinary issues. This information is essential to assist
with any interview or other pre-assessment screening. Please note that specialist, behavioural and/or
disciplinary support may incur additional fees.

If, in the opinion of the school, a child is not flourishing (because of a previously known, but not disclosed
by parents or guardians, learning or behavioural difficulty), an alternative educational experience may be
suggested. If reasonably possible a term’s notice would be given by the school.

For parents visiting on an initial tour and wishing their child to start immediately, an assessment visit is
arranged as soon as possible. If families are not currently resident in the UK, and an assessment visit is not
possible, a place may be offered provisionally, based on reports from current schools and completion of
the Registration Forms. However, Read Academy reserves the right to withdraw a child’s place if their
ability or approach is found to be different from that outlined in the current report.

In the event of over-subscription in the Early Years, Primary or Secondary group, preference will be given
to a sibling of a child already at the school. A child may be placed on a waiting list if the year group is
oversubscribed. Parents will then be informed if a place becomes available.

All those joining the school must agree to abide by the Standard Terms and Conditions of Read Academy and
adhere to school rules and policies.

When to Apply

Applications for enrolment may be submitted at any time during the year.

Personal Tours

Personal tours of the school can be arranged at a mutually convenient time. The tour will allow parents to see
the school in action, in addition to allowing parents the chance to talk to teaching staff and meet pupils.

Taster Days

These are another way of gaining information about the school. Prospective pupils for Reception – Year 10
spend a day in school, joining a class at their relevant age level and get fully involved in all the activities.
Prospective pupils for the Nursery spend 1-2 hours in the Nursery.

Assessment for Early Years, Primary and Secondary

The majority of Read pupils join in the Nursery or Reception, between the ages of 3 and 4. Informal
assessment at this level is conducted during the initial visit. In the event that concerns are identified
subsequently, the Headteacher or Deputy Head will alert parents.

Entry at any other stage in the school depends on the availability of places and is conditional on an informal
assessment and a current school report.

The informal assessment comprises a morning, afternoon or full day spent at Read Academy where the child
joins a class in all the activities; academic and extra-curricular. A ‘buddy’ for the day is assigned to act as a
guide and friend.

During the course of the day the visiting child will be given an assessment which may include numeracy and
literacy using standardised tests.

A report is also collated with findings from the day and assessments taken, as well as relevant information
from previous schools, and verbal feedback is given to parents at the end of the School day.

Parental Obligations

In advance of a child being admitted to Read Academy, parents must provide the school with the following

● The child’s full name
● The child’s date of birth
● The name and address of every parent and carer and with which of these parents or carers the child
normally lives
● Emergency contact details of parents and carers
● Emergency contact numbers
● The child’s special dietary requirements, preferences or food allergies
● The child’s special health requirements
● Information about who has legal contact with the child; and who has parental responsibility for the child
● Any Special Educational Needs or Disability known or suspected. Copies of any outside agency
assessments should be forwarded.

Written parental permission must be requested, at the time of the child’s admission, for the seeking of any
necessary medical emergency medical advice or treatment in the future.

Specific Legal Requirements – Free Entitlement to Early Years Provision

Read Academy must record and submit the following information to its local authority about individual
children receiving the free entitlement to Early Years provision, as part of the Early Years Census:

• Full names
• Date of birth
• Address
• Gender
• Ethnicity* (Collected on a voluntary basis and only when identified by the parents)
• Any Special Educational Needs or Disability status
• The number of funded hours taken up during the census week
• Total number of hours (funded and unfunded) taken up at the setting during the census week

For complaints and appeals about Read’s admissions process, the school’s complaints procedure can be
viewed online at

Our Admissions policy conforms to the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2019,
SCHEDULE 1 Part 6 – Provision of Information.

Monitoring and review

This policy will be monitored by the Head Teacher or Deputy Headteacher and reviewed every two years, or
earlier in the light of any changed circumstances, either in our school or in the local area. The policy will always
take due note of guidance provided by the Independent Schools Council.

Covid-19 Addendum Note: in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the admission procedure was amended.


The school will continue to follow the Admission’s policy.

On March 20th 2020 schools were directed to close. In light of this some scheduled admissions prior to March
20th 2020 did not take place. The usual admissions procedure commenced with all Covid-19 safety measures in
place from SEPTEMBER 2020.