Read Academy is an inclusive school and we collaborate to nurture and equitably address ‘whole-child’ needs by putting in place appropriate strategies, accommodations and interventions. When we have identified that a child requires additional support, a caring and supportive protocol is followed which helps identify the child’s strengths and areas of development and addresses them with a tailor-made approach to facilitate confidence-building, progress and achievement with equity and inclusion in mind.

SEND Pupil Provision

Some children may additionally require learning support due to SEMH or specific SEND challenges which may require further review. Read Academy consider joining hands with parents to agree on the best course of action and create an ‘Individual Education Plan’ (IEP). We will also provide parents with links to external agencies for additional advice and support. The school will coordinate personalised support for each child.

The SEND Coordinator (SENDCO) will ensure that children with SEND within our school receive optimal care, support and the opportunity to thrive with their peers.