At Read Academy, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.

A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.


The following values should be actively promoted in READ ACADEMY. Any issues of non-compliance by staff will be taken very seriously and could lead to the termination of employment contract.

1. Promoting Gender Equality

Read Academy must promote gender equality to ensure that equal opportunities exist for both males and females. READ ACADEMY will not tolerate any form of gender discrimination that contravenes the law in any of its schools. If any such case comes to our attention, we will take immediate action.

2. Tackling Discrimination

Read Academy must have a zero-tolerance approach towards all forms of discrimination (e.g. race, colour, religion, gender, lifestyle, ethnicity, disability and age). Read Academy should also oppose all forms of prejudice and intolerance – including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism. Read Academy should continuously work to foster mutual respect and understanding between people of all faiths and none.

3. Actively promoting fundamental British values

Read Academy must actively promote fundamental British values such as democracy, the rule of law, mutual respect, tolerance, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association. This is now a requirement for all independent schools and we have already issued guidance on how schools can meet it (see Appendix A for examples of how schools could promote fundamental British values).

Overall, schools should promote shared understanding and respect for all cultures and faiths — a focus on the things that unite rather than things that divide.

4. Forced Marriages, ‘Honour-killings’, Female Genital Mutilation

READ ACADEMY completely opposes forced marriages, female genital mutilation and honour killings. Read Academy must teach their pupils that these are abhorrent practices, inconsistent with any faith. These practices are also against the law.

5. External Speakers

Read Academy must take great care not to invite any controversial speakers on to their premises to address pupils or propagate unacceptable views. To this end, schools should carry out background checks before they invite anyone.

6. Wider Community

Read Academy must place a great emphasis on service to the local and wider community. They should strive to ensure that they work with and serve children and families from faith and non-faith backgrounds through direct education provision, charitable activities and joint initiatives with other service providers.

Schools have a key part to play in promoting better understanding and cohesion within their local communities; they should work hard to engage with community groups of all faiths and none to share learning and experience of different cultures and faiths. As part of this we recommend that schools also organize visits to the places of worship of other faiths (e.g. Churches and Synagogues).

7. Partisan Political Views

READ ACADEMY is not aligned with any political party or movement (in the UK or abroad) and we do not promote any partisan political views. In line with education regulations, Read Academy should present political issues in a balanced way with all points of views being considered. We should not promote any partisan political views on our premises.

8. Extremism

READ ACADEMY takes all allegations of extremism very seriously and we would take immediate action against any concerns of this nature in our schools. Read Academy must immediately make us aware of any potential extremism concerns and we will work with the relevant authorities to address them.


Through our curriculum, extra-curricular activities, teaching and learning, Read Academy will promote British values. By doing so, we will ensure that all learners understand the values that have traditionally underpinned British society. The teaching of these values will promote cohesiveness within our school and community. We will prepare pupils for life in England where the population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds,

origins, beliefs and cultures by promoting the values on which our society has been built. By teaching pupils these values we will help all to become good citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.


  1. To ensure that all develop an understanding of the values which underpin life in Britain.
  2. To teach pupils to have a mutual respect and tolerance for, and an understanding of the various faiths and beliefs represented in Britain today.
  3. To ensure that all learn to uphold the rule of law and support freedom, justice and equality.
  4. To help all understand and value the rich diversity that other citizens from different cultures, religions and backgrounds bring to our national society.
  5. To value people’s differences and respect them.
  6. To develop pupils’ awareness and tolerance of communities different to their own.
  7. To value democracy and to stand up for right against wrong.
  8. To care for the sick, the poor, the weak and the old and treat them as valued members of our society.
  9. To ensure that learners become loyal and patriotic citizens of the United Kingdom.


  1. The school will promote British values through its teaching, learning across the subjects of the curriculum to help all understand how the values have underpinned life in Britain throughout its history, geography, language, literature, sport and games, personal and social education and religions.
  2. This school will teach children about the growth and development of our parliamentary democracy and its key institutions including the constitutional monarchy.
  3. Learners will be taught about democracy and universal suffrage and the duty of citizens to participate in and contribute to life in Britain.
  4. We will develop the skills of participation and responsible action necessary for living together in harmony as citizens of United Kingdom.
  5. Pupils will learn about the democratic structures of our national government and we will promote civic pride by helping them learn and understand about local government.
  6. Across the curriculum we will teach the importance of duty, loyalty and patriotism.



On 29 September 2014, the Independent School Standards were updated and a number of key changes came into effect in regards to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural standard (SMSC). This followed significant previous changes to the Independent School Standards that came into force in January 2013. This note explains the key changes and offers some guidance on the types of activities schools can do to meet the new requirements (the Department for Education has not yet published any specific guidance in relation to the changes).

Changes to SMSC:

Based on the consultation process on the changes and discussions with some of our stakeholders, we understand there are 3 key changes to the SMSC requirements (although a number of amendments have been made).

Independent schools are now required to:

  1. Encourage respect for democracy
  2. Actively promote fundamental British values
  3. Encourage respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010

During routine Ofsted inspections, schools will be assessed on how well they are meeting these new requirements, so it is very important that schools address them. Ofsted have been paying particular attention to SMSC provision in schools since January 2013 when the previous changes to the standards came into force.

Practical steps for schools to implement on the new requirements:

The following are examples of the types of things schools can do to meet the new SMSC requirements (these are examples for illustration purposes only and schools should not view these as blueprints for passing an Ofsted inspection).

Encouraging respect for democracy:

Schools can put into place democratic processes such as allowing pupils to vote on choosing their school trips or other activities. They can then explain the benefits of the democratic process which gives them the option to choose the activities themselves.

Schools can encourage pupils to set up a pupil’s council in which pupils can vote to select a leader who will represent them in the school and take their concerns up with teachers. They can then explain the benefits of pupils organising themselves in this way to deliver positive outcomes.

Schools can encourage respect for democracy by organising activities focused on life under strict dictatorships or communist / fascist states (i.e. Nazi Germany). This allow pupils to appreciate democracy and UK law.

Actively promoting fundamental British values:

Schools can develop a programme of promoting democratic processes in the school. This could be a ‘theme of the week’ type activity and could include topics such as: why we vote? how councillors and MP’s are elected and the strengths and weaknesses of democracy.

Schools can use assembly time, tutor time and citizenship lessons to explain the UK’s parliamentary system and how it differs from other democratic systems in the world such as the presidential system in America. Pupils can then compare democratic and non-democratic systems in the world.

Schools can organise visits to the Houses of parliament or to local MP’s surgeries. These types of visits need to be part of an ongoing programme on promoting fundamental British values and not limited to 1 or 2 visits a year.

Schools can organise workshops on mutual respect and what it means. Pupils can be asked to perform plays on the theme of mutual respect. The school could also organise a competition with all year groups competing. A panel comprising of elected students could form the panel of judges who decide the winner.

Encouraging respect for other people, paying particular regard to protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010:

Schools should read the Department for Education’s guidance on the Equality Act 2010, this can be accessed on: This document explains the protected characteristics in detail and what regards need to be given to them by schools.

Schools can arrange for pupils to visit local community groups of all faiths and lifestyles so that they learn about their beliefs and practices and respect them. Throughout these visits’ teachers should stress the need for pupils to respect all individual they meet in the communities, regardless of their faith, gender, lifestyle or background. These visits should not be isolated activities but part of an ongoing programme of engaging with the wider community.

Schools can arrange pupils to visit disabled peoples centres to understand how they live their lives and what activities they do. They can also invite them to their schools and arrange appropriate activities for them. By doing these activities, pupils will understand the harms of discrimination and the importance of having mutual respect and harmony in society.

Schools should encourage pupils to respect people of all genders, faiths, lifestyles and backgrounds and teach equality between girls and boys. They can do this by having regular competitions/quiz’s on themes of equality and respect for diversity.


This policy will make a key contribution to the school’s positive ethos. The head teacher and Governing Body will assess the impact of this policy and monitor its operation every two years or sooner if necessary.

Policy Created: September 2017 Review Date: September 2020

Next Review Date: September 2023