"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
What are you intending to do after leaving the school?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Consent - I give consent to my data being shared between the school and local authority in order to review my progress and improve careers guidance and support, and to being contacted by the school for the reasons set out above.*
Consent - I give consent for school to contact the college or university that I will be attending in the next academic year seeking confirmation of the course, start date and end date*
Consent - I give consent for school to contact the employer that I will be working with in the next academic year seeking confirmation of the employment or role, start date and enddate. (For apprenticeships only)*
Consent - I give consent to the school to share information about me with the next setting that I will attend following offer of a place or on enrolment*
Consent - I give consent to the school to share information about me on the school social media channels*
Consent - I give consent to the school to share information about me within the school and in school publications*
Consent - I give consent to the school to share information about me in the wider public domain*
Consent - I would like the school to keep in contact with me and send me updates about school life and activites*