School Place Application Form

Applying for a school place at Read Academy is a 4-step Application Process

Step 1

Complete this initial application form

Step 2

Receive email from school with further instructions

Step 3

Follow instructions in email which include payment of the application and deposit fees

Step 4

Receipt of confirmation of school place

By completing this form, you are completing Step 1 of 4 – filling in this form does not guarantee or confirm a school place.

A separate application form needs to be completed for every child that you are applying for.

Only those with parental responsibility are authorised to apply for a school place.


Parent/Guardian Details

Applicant Details

Mother/Carer 1 Details

Father/ Carer 2 Details

Name of person(s) with legal responsibility

Emergency Contact 1:

Emergency Contact 2:

Medical Details

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Student Collection Arrangements

I authorise the following person/s to collect my child from EYFS / Primary, and confirm they have the correct password. Please note: The appointed person collecting the child must be 18  years or over or the legal guardian of the child. Secondary pupils (Year 7 upwards) will be dismissed ordinarily at the end of the day.

Outings and School Trips

Permission for use of photographs/videos
I authorise my child to be photographed and recorded by the school for:


If annual fee is selected, a discount of £100 will be applicable
Payment into Bank Account: Metro Bank
Account name: Read Academy Education
Account Number: 15253754
Sort Code: 23-05-80
(Please mark the reference of payment with your child’s name)

School information

Terms and conditions

Please read the Terms and Conditions:
  • Submission of a completed application form does not guarantee a place.
  • The school’s up-to-date school prospectus in its entirety has been read and understood and I/we understand the procedure by which the application will be assessed.
  • A holding deposit of £500 is payable on a successful application and refundable upon pupil leaving the school, subject to satisfactory meeting of the school’s withdrawal procedure.
  • The information submitted in the form is correct and that any misleading information or contradictions will have negative implications on the application and if the child has already been admitted to the school, could lead to his/her withdrawal.
  • Unsigned and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • The registration fee of £25 is due and a copy of the child’s birth certificate must be submitted with this form for the application to be considered.
Digital signing declaration: By digitally agreeing/signing this application, I agree to the above terms and conditions and understand a placement is offered subject to availability.