1. Introduction

Read Academy is committed to being an active resource for the community. Provided there is no interruption to school use of the premises, part of the school buildings and grounds may be let to outside bodies after the end of the school day, at weekends and during the holidays, in order to:

  • Raise income for the school
  • Better integrate the school into the local community
  • Familiarise individuals with the school, who may become pupils or their parents
  • Satisfy some of the needs of local individuals, groups and organisations
  • Increase the use of facilities that are under used by the
  1. Implementation

Bookings are made through the representative of the school, as authorised by the Headteacher, and confirmed in writing.

  • School and PTA activities have priority
  • No bookings are confirmed more than 4 months in advance although provisional bookings may be made at any time
  • Outline charges are set by the Headteacher/Governors and reviewed annually
  • Specific charges are set at the time of the agreement
  • The VAT liability of the letting is determined at the time of the agreement
  • Payment is in advance for single lettings
  • Payment is in instalments for a series of sports facilities lettings that comply with VAT exemption regulations
  • The agreement will be updated and reviewed at least annually
  • A diary is kept covering all school, PTA and outside use of the premises and grounds after school, in evenings, at weekends and in holidays

Users sign an agreement that covers:

  • Terms and conditions relating to type of and length of use
  • Cancellation
  • Damage
  • Insurance
  • Charging
  • Restrictions on use
  • Licensing for the public performances
  • Parking
  1. Roles and Responsibilities

The school authorised representative is responsible for the construction and regular update of the letting’s diary.

  • The PTA and individual teachers are responsible for informing the authorised school representative a term in advance, of events outside teaching hours, which will use the school premises
  • Opening and closing the school is undertaken by the caretaker or by prior agreement with an authorised member of the staff
  • Supervision during the letting is the responsibility of the user. The user is also responsible for the security of the area of the school being used
  • When a risk assessment is completed by the user or the school, in relation to the premises or activity or equipment involved, the user must ensure any controls are complied with
  • Post-letting checks are made by the caretaker and reported to the school authorised representative
  • The authorised representative will ensure that excess wear and tear on the buildings and equipment is avoided and will follow up unsatisfactory lettings to resolve issues
  1. Monitoring & Evaluation:

Lettings will be evaluated to assess the additional income raised for the school, lessen the cost of any reasonable wear and tear to the furniture and fabric of the school, made during lets and costs of additional heating and caretaker’s payments. The use of the photocopier by specific bodies within the community will be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Any agreement will be subject to time and cost arrangements including possible cost of admin time.

Appendix 1.

APPLICATION FORM (for use of School Premises/Site)

This form must be completed by the applicant and submitted to the Headteacher of Read Academy.

Name of Organisation
Applicant’s Name Address &

Post Code

Telephone Number
Email Address
Event to be held Maximum number

of persons

School areas required With / without


Days Dates
Times (including preparation

and clear up time)

Furniture and equipment


Insurance certificate available

/ unavailable*

Caretaking requirements (opening, closing, for duration


Risk assessment will be provided for the activities listed here / Risk assessment not required (delete as


Signed Dated

*Commercial hirers must have their own insurance of at least £5,000,000 to be seen and copied by the school. For non- commercial hirers the school’s insurance will be applied at 3.5% of the hire charge unless own insurance seen and a copy attached

For office use only: Date
Application Approved / Refused (delete as


Hire Agreement Letter & Hire Agreement Form &

Conditions of Use sent together

Risk Assessment acceptable / Not required
Insurance Seen / school Insurance included

(delete as applicable)

Hire Agreement Form signed & returned
Invoice(s) Issued
Invoice Number(s)
Payment(s) Received

Appendix 2.


Name of Hirer:
Further to your application I am pleased to offer the following facilities:
Accommodation Furniture


Use to be made of facilities
Date(s) & Time(s)
Insurance arrangements
Caretaking arrangements
Risk Assessment required Yes / Not required (delete as appropriate)
Headteacher’s Signature: Date:
Your use of the school facilities is subject to your agreeing to the Conditions of Use as attached.

Subject to your agreement would you please sign and return the form as soon as possible


To: Mr Gulam Abbas Hussain, Headteacher | Read Academy

I am satisfied with the details shown above and, in the letter, and confirm that we accept the Conditions of Use. *We have the appropriate insurance cover / We require the school’s Insurance cover (delete as appropriate)

Risk Assessment:                                                                  Attached / Not required

(if required)                                                                          (delete as appropriate)

Signature: Date:

Appendix 3.


(of School Premises/Site)

 Use of Read Academy premises for a letting must be agreed in advance and confirmed in writing by both the user and the authorised representative of the school. The agreement will include the fee, appropriate VAT and any other charges payable. These are reviewed in advance of the second and succeeding years. It must be recognised that school use of the premises takes priority and that there may be occasions when arrangements have to be changed (where possible these will be advised at the time agreement is reached). Formal confirmation of bookings will be made termly when school requirements have been finalised.

Damage or loss of any kind sustained to the premises, fixtures and/or fittings, furniture and/or other chattels therein arising out of or in connection with use of the school shall be made good at the expense of the user within one month by the school or, by agreement, by the user and to the satisfaction of the school.

The users are required to make arrangements for suitable insurance cover (currently a minimum of

£5 million for each and every claim for public liability) with a reputable company in respect of claims which might be made against them by a third party for accidental injury including death or accidental loss, or damage to property arising out of, or in consequence of, the letting and to cover the school, and must produce proof of the policy before the letting is contracted.

However, if non-commercial users are unable to provide insurance cover which meets requirements, cover must be arranged through the School’s Hirers Liability Policy, for which a contribution towards the cost of the school’s Hirers’ Liability Policy equal to 3.5% of the total hire charge will be levied in addition to the hire charge itself. The user will be responsible for the first £400 of each and every property damage claim.

The fee charged covers the cost of heating, lighting and caretaking costs where applicable and is regularly reviewed by the Headteacher and Senior Development Leaders (SDL) Governing Body of the School. The user is expected to adhere strictly to the agreed times or, subject to a caretaker being available, be prepared to pay additional overtime.

A deposit of 50% of the hiring cost is required in advance of the hiring.

It is the user’s sole responsibility to control entry of all visitors at the external entrance allocated and to ensure that only those people known to them are allowed access to school premises. The entrance and any other external doors that are unlocked must be controlled by responsible adults at all time during the period of the letting. On completion of the letting a check must be carried out to ensure that all windows have been shut and secured, and all visitors have left the premises.

The user shall not cause or permit any nuisance or disturbance to other occupiers or users at the school or to occupiers of neighbouring properties.

The user should be aware of the appropriate action to be taken in the event of fire or another emergency. They should know where extinguishers are located and how to use them, how to obtain assistance from the emergency services and the location of fire exits. In order to comply with fire regulations, it is necessary to limit the number of persons using the hall. For functions involving people sitting at tables the limit is 100 persons.

The Health and Safety at Work, etc Act, 1974 (as amended) imposes duties not only on employers in respect of their employees but also on persons having control over places of work or places where plant or substances are used and on anyone who by virtue of a contract has an obligation in relation to such a place. The duties are to ensure as far is reasonably practicable, that the facilities and

means of access are safe and without risk to health. Users must comply with Read Academy’s Health

and Safety Policy, a copy of which is available on request.

The area used should be left in the same condition as it was found. All rubbish, empty containers, crates, etc. must be removed from the premises by the user immediately after the letting has taken place and before the caretaker locks up. Furniture and equipment is to be left as found unless other arrangements have been agreed with the school’s authorised representative or caretaker.

No stiletto heels can be worn on the hall floor. Users of the hall must observe this and are expected to give prior warning to all the members of the public who will attend the event. The use of materials for preparing floors for dances is prohibited. The premises shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which agreement has been granted nor shall any areas of, or furniture/equipment in, the school not included in the letting agreement be used without express permission; in such cases an extra fee may be payable.

Vehicles must not be allowed on the playing fields or the school playground and no parking which

restricts the caretakers’ or emergency services access will be permitted. Consideration of separating vehicles and pedestrians on site must be considered where the activity poses additional risk. Parking on the roadway where double yellow lines are displayed is not permitted. Control of parking is the responsibility of the user. No responsibility can be taken by the school for any damage to vehicles sustained whilst on the school grounds.

Smoking is not permitted within the school or its grounds.

School Servery

If agreement is given for the use of the school servery, the following conditions of use will apply:

There are restrictions on the use of certain pieces of equipment due to Health and Safety or Food Safety legislation. The following equipment or areas must not be used unless the caterer is present and supervising: –

  • Fridges or Freezers
  • Storage areas
  • Dishwashers
  • Sterilising Sinks
  • Any other dangerous machinery which will be informed at the time of the booking

It will be appreciated that school kitchens, sculleries and dining facilities are provided specifically for the operation of the School Meals Service, whose staff are responsible for the condition of the canteens and the equipment. It is for this reason that the use of specified items of equipment and of the crockery is precluded, and the rules which users are asked to observe have as their sole object the care of the premises and equipment and the welfare of all who use them.

The school provides and owns all food and cleaning materials, so the user must provide their own, unless the school leaves out brooms, mops, bags etc.

Certain foods will create unacceptable risks of contamination and must be avoided: –

  • Raw Poultry – bacteria
  • Highly spiced foods – smell
  • Nuts – allergic reaction

The school is responsible for the hygiene of the kitchen where they serve and prepare meals, so the user must leave it in a clean and safe condition after the letting. Should the kitchen be left in an unclean state and school meals contract staff are required to clean up, a charge will be passed on to the hirers.

The school reserves the right to request a deposit from persons hiring/using the servery, to be returned when the school has checked the area and is satisfied with the standard of cleanliness.

The Headteacher and Governors cannot be held responsible for belongings of the hirer or members of the public which are stolen or damaged during the letting period.

No landlord and tenant relationship shall be created.

Policy Reviewed: September 2020 Next Review Date: September 2023

Appendix 4 –

Letting Checklist

1 Leasing Policy supplied, read and understood
2 Fire procedures explained and fire risk assessment

document supplied

3 I have enclosed a copy of our own risk assessment, relevant

to the activity and location

4 Security procedures explained (i.e. securing the building and

setting the alarm, if applicable)

5 Safeguarding Policy, read and understood
6 Health and Safety Policy, read and understood
7 ICT Policy, read and understood
8 Prevent Policy, read and understood


I have read and agree to the above document.

Signature of hirer


